- Spokane, WA
- June 26, 2024
- uuspokane.org
Company Information
The Unitarian Universalist Church of Spokane was established in 1887 and has been a beacon of progressive thought and social justice ever since. Our mission is to join together to create a nourishing liberal religious home and to champion justice, diversity, and environmental stewardship in the wider world.
We have no dogma or creed that our members are required to believe, and we are each free to seek inspiration from many sources, including the world’s many religions, philosophy, literature, art, and science. Ours is a dynamic, welcoming, and supportive faith community that values the worth and dignity of every person and every individual’s right to freely search for truth and meaning in their lives.
We are a welcoming congregation of more than 300 members including the greater Spokane area, across the country and around the world. Our doors are open to anyone seeking a liberal religious home where they can help create community, find meaning, and work for justice. We gather together, all ages and all backgrounds each Sunday to be inspired, both in our beautiful building or virtually. We embrace diversity of thought and individual virtues and take our common values out into the world for the benefit of all.